AIJU supports companies at all stages of product development and process organisation and improvement.

Product development and process improvement

Companies try to develop very competitive products with high added value, and which are well accepted on the market by users and consumers.

Multiple factors apply; market and product strategies, manufacturing technologies, innovative materials, digital contents and immersive technologies, new design, digitalisation and 3D printing technologies, improvements in organisation and management, the automation and digitisation of processes, the solving of processing problems, market demands, etc. All of these evolve in such a way that industries experience difficulties in staying constantly up to date.

AIJU, as a multidisciplinary technological centre focused on the children’s product and auxiliary industry, offers companies support at all the stages of product and process development.

The services we offer

Advisory services and user, market and trend studies

AIJU offers valuable information on trends in the children’s product market and on how the company can integrate these in its product. Furthermore, we perform an analysis of your user, consumer or customer and their perception of the product. In addition, we help you to detect new gaps and opportunities for innovation through knowledge of the demands of families in different markets.

Digital development and immersive technology services

AIJU offers advice and helps you to increase the digital presence of your company and your products in any of their scopes: production, logistics and marketing. Moreover, we enhance the value of your products and/or services via the integration of educational, therapeutic and/or leisure contents. We can help you to complement your products with SMART developments, digital contents and other emerging technologies.

Children’s and industrial product development services

AIJU provides all the necessary tools for your product strategy. It makes prototype parts and moulds, product pre-series, performs processing tests via latest generation technologies, defines appropriate materials. This guarantees that you will develop a product that is in line with market expectations and optimise it prior to large-scale production.

desarrollo de producto infantil
Services for improvement of the production and industrial processes

We offer tools focused on the organisation and improvement of industrial processes such as quality management, the environment, energy efficiency and food safety, together with the automation of production processes, the digitisation of the company and the optimisation of processes.

The implementation of these improvements in your processes enables your business to enjoy continued growth, guaranteeing its sustainability, especially in a market in constant evolution.

Benefits of the product and process services

Requesting these services from AIJU will provide you with a series of benefits that bear a direct relationship with the values that we wish to transmit to our clients:

Optimum development and sustainability of your products.
Decisions with a guarantee of success in the approval of new ideas.
Advice on legislation, technological and market requirements.
The availability of our laboratories equipped with the latest technology.
Highly creative 3D design team.
Multidisciplinary team to improve your product.
Personnel with extensive knowledge in the national and international arena.
Material adapted to your needs.
How we implement product and process projects
AIJU has a wide variety of laboratories, fully equipped with the latest technologies:
  •  Child Lab.
  •  Toy Lab.
  •  Manufacturing Lab.
  •  Tech Lab and Educational Robotics.
  •  Energy Lab.
  •  Industrial Robotics Lab.
  •  Industrial Environment Lab.

These laboratories are equipped with the latest technologies that facilitate and enable the extensive integration of the latest innovations within the product development process, the automation, digitisation and optimisation of the company and its industrial processes, the integration of quality, environmental and food safety systems and the management of innovation in your company.

Furthermore, the capacities for innovation are complementary and they integrate the full scope required by the industries we address: Toys, health and childhood, childcare, education, video games, promotions, raw materials, packaging, electric and electronic product, automotive, energy applied to children’s products, coatings, moulds, plastic in contact with foods, processing of plastics or metal, consumer goods and equipment.

Trust in product and process development

The technical personnel involved in product development form a multidisciplinary team, comprised mainly of industrial engineers, economists, teachers, computer engineers, chemists, sociologists and designers, all highly qualified. They have perfect knowledge of the latest trends and state-of-the-art technologies. Furthermore, the continuous monitoring of the reality of companies and their needs generates know-how that inspires great trust in the clients of AIJU.

AIJU takes part in various Standardisation Committees and platforms related to its fields of knowledge and it applies different quality standards:

Product and process services
Product and process services
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