Educational games on nutrition

A Nutrition Guide has been developed within the framework of the Food Gaming for Active Ageing (FG4AG) initiative, to provide detailed information on the benefits of different food groups and nutrients and focusing on the nutritional needs of people over 55 years of age. The guide will soon be available on the project website in both downloadable and interactive web versions.


Work is also under way to develop a digital platform of educational games, based on the information contained in the guide. The development is currently in the implementation and technical programming phase for the different modules and games of the system. The idea from a recreational and educational standpoint is to create a kitchen simulator so that users can prepare their own recipes. Users can select different ingredients and cooking methods to develop their recipes, with their choice naturally affecting the nutritional properties of the dishes. These games will teach users the importance of selecting the right ingredients and cooking them the right way on the path to achieving a healthier diet tailored to the needs of the target age group for this project.


The gaming platform will be free to use on the project website. It is due to be launched in the second half of this year.


Educational games about nutrition in the Nutritional Guide










For more information: Rocío Zaragoza