Area: Childhood And Education. An Innovative, Inclusive Society


The OUTSTE(A)M project will develop a toolkit for ECEC and primary educators to teach sustainability in outdoor settings using a STE(A)M approach with the support of age-appropriate technology

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GenB overall objective is to raise the Generation Bioeconomy (GenB), aware, sensitive and interested on environmental issues, sustainability and circularity.

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UnDErstanding consumer food choices & promotion of healthy and sustainable Mediterranean diet and LIfestyle in Children and adolescents through behavIOUral change actionS – DELICIOUS

DELICIOUS is a 3-year project aiming to boost the attractiveness of sustainable and healthy Med lifestyle (MD + physical activity) in Med societies, by raising awareness of their beneficial impact for the human and planet health.

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Integrated STEM Education with an Interactive Digital Library for Curious Kids – CURIKIDS

CURIKIDS fosters collaboration, creativity and innovative learning environments in the STEM field, contributing to the understanding of STEM concepts.

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Lifelong Learning for Sustainability: From campus to daily life – LEAF

The project's objectives is to create a framework based on knowledge and awareness that encourages people to internalise sustainability issues and regulate their habits to contribute to climate change mitigation.

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L2D Learn to Discern

The Learn to Discern (L2D) project is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme whose main objective is to develop these media literacy skills in young workers through non-formal training material.

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SAFEorFAKE Toolkit

The SAFEorFAKE? Toolkit is a project led by AIJU with the support of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

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Research for the valorization of children’s product safety on the markets – SAFEVALOR

Safety is a key factor for children's products and decisive in the consumers' purchase decision, especially in the case of products for babies and young children, like toys or childcare articles.

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Research into children’s skills in the use of technological toys in order to generate and rapidly transfer design guidelines to companies – TECH-TOYS INTERACTION

      Research into children’s skills in the use of technological toys in order to generate and rapidly transfer design guidelines to companies – TECH-TOYS INTERACTION           The TECH-TOYS INTERACTION R&D project (which is of a non-economic nature) arose from needs expressed by toy manufacturing companies in the Community of [...]

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MOTIUS, research and development of a prototype child’s room for emotional intelligence education

MOTIUS (MObles educaTIUS) proposes research for the development of a prototype child's room to help parents in educating emotional intelligence of their children at home. [...]

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