Area: Information And Communication Technology, Ict

Development of a Digital Product Passport integration system for the toy sector – AIPASSPORTGUARDNET

Implementing AIPASSPORTGUARDNET will position toy sector businesses in the leading edge of digitalisation and sustainability, offering safe and traceable products that comply with both modern consumer expectations and environmental regulation.

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The OUTSTE(A)M project will develop a toolkit for ECEC and primary educators to teach sustainability in outdoor settings using a STE(A)M approach with the support of age-appropriate technology

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Integrated STEM Education with an Interactive Digital Library for Curious Kids – CURIKIDS

CURIKIDS fosters collaboration, creativity and innovative learning environments in the STEM field, contributing to the understanding of STEM concepts.

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Advanced robotic simulator for scenario development – RobVET

The objective is to equip students with the necessary skills to tackle real-world problems in robotized environments, fostering innovation in vocational training and increasing their employment opportunities.

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Lifelong Learning for Sustainability: From campus to daily life – LEAF

The project's objectives is to create a framework based on knowledge and awareness that encourages people to internalise sustainability issues and regulate their habits to contribute to climate change mitigation.

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L2D Learn to Discern

The Learn to Discern (L2D) project is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme whose main objective is to develop these media literacy skills in young workers through non-formal training material.

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Holistic Learning for Job Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities – INCLUJOBS

Through the INCLUJOB project, AIJU and four organizations from Austria, Greece and Italy, are going to work togehter to tackle the large employment gap that exists among people with intellectual disabilities; promoting the employability of this group through the development of training material for the three main actors involved: support entities for people with intellectual disabilities, the business sector and the group of people with intellectual disabilities itself.

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Intelligent platform for precision medicine applied to brain tumors

The platform will allow the incorporation of clinical data from patients affected by primary brain tumors, and will also implement Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based algorithms for their analysis.

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M-GAME PROJECT: MOOCs for Mobile Game Development Program 82018-1-TR01-KA202-059731

  M-GAME PROJECT: MOOCs for Mobile Game Development Program 82018-1-TR01-KA202-059731         m-Game will have 15 MOOCs to nurture “mobile game development” behaviors as habits among trainees and bring those competences into everyday life. Game module will deliver new learning outcomes for trainees through continuing non-formal and informal education applicable job setting. MOOCs [...]

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Real-time optimisation and monitoring of an Injection Workshop

The aim of the project is to develop an Industry 4.0 demonstrator in a die tooling workshop, its warehouse and its injection process. VICEDO MARTI S.L. is collaborating in this activity and is providing the premises in which the demonstrator pilot will be carried out.

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