Area: Ivace Projects

Immersive technologies R&D

The main objective is to carry out R&D tests on the new emerging technologies, in order to assess their applicability in the sectoral environment.
To this end, a technological observatory has been working throughout the year, analysing trends and new technologies. We also attended specialised fairs.

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Development of a rechargeable Zn-air redox flow battery

The main objective of the project is to design, develop and characterise the different components that form part of a zinc-air redox flow battery, in order to create a prototype for a rechargeable battery that can store surplus energy.

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Additive Manufacturing R&D

Additive manufacturing is constantly evolving, searching for new materials that make it possible to bring additive manufacturing closer to a final part or that confers new properties on that part.

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Research into children’s skills in the use of technological toys in order to generate and rapidly transfer design guidelines to companies – TECH-TOYS INTERACTION

      Research into children’s skills in the use of technological toys in order to generate and rapidly transfer design guidelines to companies – TECH-TOYS INTERACTION           The TECH-TOYS INTERACTION R&D project (which is of a non-economic nature) arose from needs expressed by toy manufacturing companies in the Community of [...]

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Industrial environment R&D

The objective of this line of research at AIJU is to continue to develop a series of activities that can assess different fractions of industrial waste generated in the productive process of industries in the sector and in the industrial fabric of the area, and whose current destination is to end up in security landfills.

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R&D Methodologies for the assessment of playgrounds

Designing safe playgrounds that are also attractive for children requires participative and multidisciplinary processes that are increasingly offering more innovative proposals that are in turn much harder to assess insofar as their risk versus their benefit to children is concerned.

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R&D in advanced energy technologies

The main challenges facing our current energy systems, and therefore our current energy technologies, are clearly defined by the policies set forth by such bodies as the European Commission. The following priority objectives were set for 2020:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%.
- Reduce energy consumption by 20%.
- Increase the contribution of renewable energies to the energy mix up to at least 20%.

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Open platform for therapeutic leisure for the prevention and rehabilitation of neurodegenerative diseases – PREVENTEC

The objective of the PREVENTEC project is to develop and implement a platform for prevention, tele-assistance and tele-rehabilitation, aimed at patients with neurodegenerative diseases and their family circle, in order to provide them with comprehensive and interdisciplinary care, as well as to promote a virtual community in which they can expand their environment by putting the different socio-health professionals involved, other users, caregivers, friends and family members in contact with one other.

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Real-time optimisation and monitoring of an Injection Workshop

The aim of the project is to develop an Industry 4.0 demonstrator in a die tooling workshop, its warehouse and its injection process. VICEDO MARTI S.L. is collaborating in this activity and is providing the premises in which the demonstrator pilot will be carried out.

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