Optimization of functional biomaterials to support the access to the market of more sustainable consumer products in the Valencian Community: toy, childcare, household packaging and commercial furniture sectors – BioFcase II



The implementation of more sustainable feedstock in plastic products manufacturing companies is a current requirement in the European Union (EU) scope.

The manufacturing enterprises, thus, face themselves into a significant challenge, given that the search for more sustainable and functional plastic materials that meet the physical-chemical properties required by the product means to invest a substantial time in non-productive tasks.

Consequently, could a Technological centre such as AIJU, with a large history of research in biomaterials, provide support to the companies in the implementation and consolidation of those materials in their productive chain?

With this objective, the BioFcase project was conceived, in which 11 manufacturers of toys and plastic packaging adopted functional biomaterials without compromising their production and/or quality of their products. Given the success of this transfer, the BioFcase II project was devised to expand the number of beneficiary enterprises and optimise the materials previously obtained.

To this end, the requirements of each company and the demonstrators to be developed are first reviewed and defined to ensure that the new materials meet the technical and functional specifications of the target products.

Next, we proceed to the selection, optimisation and validation of functional bioformulations for the development of the demonstrators, tailored to the specifications and requirements of each company and the properties of the demonstrators.

Finally, the scaling-up of the bioformulations and the demonstrators is carried out, in a way that allows the technical, economic and environmental validation for each case study.

12 collaborating enterprises have joined the project, of which six do in continuity with the BioFcase I project. All of them request a turnkey solution that allows the production of increasingly sustainable consumer goods.

By helping the manufacturers adopt new sustainable materials, we are decisively creating a more sustainable future for Europe.

As part of the BioFcase II project, two videos have been produced for the toy and packaging sectors, which are two of the sectors supported.



BioFcase II – Optimization of functional biomaterials to support the access to the market of more sustainable consumer products in the Valencian Community: toy, childcare, household packaging and commercial furniture sectors

This project is led by AIJU, the technological institute of reference in Spain for children’s and leisure products.

We have received the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana to promote this project and extend is reach to more companies.


  • Agreement number : GVRTE/2022/312994
  • Starting day : 01/01/2022
  • Duration : 12 months
  • Status : In progress
  • Amount requested : 299.850 €



Financed by

Grants to IITTs for innovation projects in collaboration with companies within the framework of Smart Specialization for the fiscal year 2021.



Service of information and advice for public financing of R&D&I