
Preparation and characterisation of monolithic reactors for energy and environmental applications – REMONERGETIC

The aim of this project is to develop monolithic systems from materials of diverse nature to be used as supports for catalysts for environmental and energy applications. [...]

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Renewable hydrogen – H2Renov

The aim of the subproject is to develop and demonstrate in real integrated systems energy generation using hydrogen produced from renewable sources. [...]

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Development of composite thermoplastic matrix materials with high electrical conductivity for manufacture of bipolar plates for fuel cells – BIPOLAR

The main aim of this project is the investigation of different materials for the manufacture of bipolar plates that make up a stack of fuel cells with the aim of developing prototype fuel cells with power and specifications that meet the needs of the electric toy sector. [...]

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Development of the crop and making use of the energy of Nicotiana Tabacum – BIOTABACUM

The main aim of the project is the study of aspects related to comprehensive use of Nicotiana Tabacum as biomass for energy production [...]

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Revitalisation of the toy cluster through various innovative activities – DINAMIZAEI

The general aim of this project is that of strengthening this collaboration through a platform based on the principles of "open innovation", and so promoting the range of opportunities to potential and existing entrepreneurs. [...]

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Technology Platform for Traditional Manufacturing Sectors – PLATECMA

The aim of the TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM FOR TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURING SECTORS is to improve competitiveness and sustainability of the traditional manufacturing industry through promotion and encouragement of research, technological development and innovation. It was formed with the vocation of integrating all the agents involved in these industrial groupings to define and promote joint strategies at the national level to enable consolidation of a structured network for industry, science and technology capable of responding to future competitive challenges. The intention is to bring together all the public and private agents of the value chain of the sectors involved to identify and prioritise the technology and research needs of the industries in the medium and long term, and so to advise the bodies responsible for technology policy. [...]

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Design and promotion of environmental solutions for promoting sustainable and competitive industrial processes in the Region of Valencia – PROSOCOM

Knowledge development and innovative proposals for improving the competitiveness of companies through the environment, all directed toward three technological directions: water, energy-from-waste and eco-design. [...]

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Unit PROECO: Ecoefficient Production – PROECO

To Integrate solutions at an industrial level for the development and implementation of products, processes and services that enable efficiently and sustainably meeting users' production needs. [...]

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Study of applications and process improvement of obtaining zinc oxides from Zamak waste – OxiZINC

To design, develop and optimise a pilot plant for the recovery of metal slag derived from Zamak casting processes and from sewage treatment plant sludge with high metal content. [...]

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