
Experimentation of solar photocatalysis as the best available technique for treatment of waste water generated by Foia de Castalla Industrial Estate – FotoMTD

To study the applicability of SOLAR PHOTOCATALYSIS as an alternative and/or complementary technique (BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUE) for the treatment of waste water derived from the industrial activities of Foia de Castalla Industrial Estate, mainly galvanic coatings, Zamak injection and surface finishes, as well as any other industrial process that combines the minimum and necessary conditions for experimenting with this technology. [...]

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Environmental marketing as an innovation for the prevention of climate change in the children’s products and leisure sector (toy) – EcoINNOVA Joc 4

To promote the use of various types of environmental marking for products and processes as environmental marketing tools for increasing competitiveness of the products of the sector. Placing special emphasis on the environmental marks associated with the carbon footprint and the reduction/compensation of greenhouse gas emissions that can be implemented at a sector level. [...]

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Minimisation, energy valorisation and discontinuation of hazardous waste generated in the industrial ecosystem of Foia de Castalla – EcoINNOVA Joc 3

To promote the development of environmentally friendly processes, more specifically those process that are most characteristic of 'Foia de Castalla' Industrial Estate as a focal point of the national toy sector and therefore of the Region of Valencia. The improvements were tackled from the point of view of optimisation in management of hazardous wastes through the prevention, reduction, valorisation and discontinuation of hazardous waste. [...]

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Increase in energy efficiency and environmental good practices of the industrial eco-system of Foia de Castalla – EcoINNOVA Joc 2

To promote the development of environmentally friendly processes, more specifically those process that are most characteristic of 'Foia de Castalla' Industrial Estate as a focal point of the national toy sector and therefore of the Region of Valencia. The improvements have been addressed from the point of view of improving energy efficiency of the processes. [...]

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Environmental diagnosis of the industrial ecosystem of Foia de Castalla – EcoINNOVA Joc

To diagnose the current situation and environmental problems associated with industrial activity in 'Foia de Castalla' in order to define strategies for work and to establish future initiatives that have a clear focus on progress and sustainability improvement of this important economic activity of the region of 'Foia de Castalla' [...]

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Promotion of eco-technologies for the prevention of climate change – ECOCLIM

Integrating solutions at an industrial level for the development and implementation of products, processes and services that enable meeting users' needs efficiently and sustainably. The European strategy for climate change was promoted and disseminated among the companies of the metal-mechanical sector and the children's products and leisure (toys) sector, specifically raising awareness of the use of environmental technologies (technologies, products or services for controlling pollution and use of resources). [...]

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Demonstrative pilot plant for the valorisation of non-ferrous metal waste – GREENZO

The project GREENZO’s main objective is the development and testing on the pre-industrial scale of a pilot plant that will allow to obtain Zinc oxide from non-ferrous metal waste like Zamak. Its use will be tested in two industrial sectors: rubber manufacturing and catalysis chemical processes. With this action we will achieve the waste recovery in Zamak transformation industrial processes in products with high usability. [...]

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High Specialisation of María Costa in sociology of the child consumer in the Centre for Study of Children, Youth and Media (UK).

AIJU has collaborated in a joint project with the Centre for Study of Children, Youth and Media (CSCYM) of the London Knowledge Lab, to study variables that will influence children of the future. [...]

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